Pittwater Baseball Club has a long and proud history of producing outstanding players and dedicated volunteers that are the foundation of every community sporting club’s success.  Below we honour those players and people that have made such a valuable contribution to our sport and to our Club.

PBC Life Members

2000 – Denice Conyard

2002 – Kell Hannan

2004 – Steven Green

2009 – Steve Monty

2011 – Charles Wolfson and Nigel Wilkie

2012 – Gordon Blinkhorne

2013 – Deborah Frack

2014 – Cheryl Amir

2019 – Robert Chessell

2021 – Mark Lowe

2022 – Josephine Rossello

PBC – Player of the Year

2020-2021 – Jaden Grant

PBC President’s Award – Volunteer of the Year

2020 – 2021 – Steve “Magic” Vescio